Tuesday, March 18, 2014

It's open enrollment time!!! What a Joke! It should be open your wallet time!!!

   I'm gonna start off by saying that I am sorry for what is probably going to be a rant of unseen proportions...  So, brace yourself and let me know if you feel in anyway the same as I do or should I just be happy to have a job and some insurance.

    We just got off of a webinair going over our NEW insurance.  OMG!!!  I am absolutely floored...  I mean our Premiums (and that is an understatement) have shot through the roof.  Not only have they gone up but, so have our deductibles and our out of pocket expenses. 
     My partners out of pocket expenses, because she lives in an out of network area, will be just short of half of her take home pay.  Mine aren't much better... You have to be kidding me!!  I thought that it was called the Affordable Care Act!!!   There is nothing affordable about this kind of health coverage... 

    Why do I have to pay incredibly high premiums and get substandard coverage?  Why is it that I have the most dangerous job in health care, short of being a combat medic and get the worst insurance?  Now lets talk about life insurance.  Yea, the company pays for it but, $100,000....  Really?  Are you kidding me?  That's all I'm worth to you?  I would hope that I generate several times that much in income for the company every year...  Even the military gets $400,000 (and not like that is even enough)...  Sure we can purchase more but, then because of the job we do the premium is through the roof and they cap how much we can get!  

    It is horrible for anybody not to have health insurance.  I have no problem paying a little more to help out those who are less fortunate than me.   But, who is it that came up with this kind of system.   I have to chose between contributing to my 401k or purchasing health insurance...  Oh, there isn't a chose, I have to buy insurance...  So, I can retire on my Social Security...  Ya, like that will be there when I get to retirement age.  

    Ok, now that I have that out of my system... Well, sort of but, not really.  I am sure that I have struck a couple of nerves out there.  By all means, let me have it...  Agree or disagree...  I am sure there are both sides out there.  Or at least I hope so.  I'd hate to feel like I am some sort of radical conservative mad man.  I mean come on I'm nowhere near as bad as Uncle Ted, right?

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